Accounting Industry in BiH: Stable yet Unexploited

Accounting Industry in BiH: Stable yet Unexploited

The accounting sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is underdeveloped compared to the larger, more economically developed countries of the world. The reason for this is simply the smaller number of large companies and organizations that would use more complex and professional accounting services. Despite this fact, some of the largest international accounting firms such as KPMG, Deloitte and PWC have their offices in BiH. Observing the ratio of domestic and foreign companies in the top ten according to the parameters of income and profit, we can notice that it is almost equal, which is a rarity when it comes to the BiH market.

Number of companies over the past three years 

In 2017, there were 698 companies offering accounting services in BiH, while in 2018 that number increased by 73 companies. Although in 2019 the number of companies decreased by 34 and totalled in 737.

Types of companies

Of these companies, 92.9% of companies generate revenue of up to half a million BAM, 6.8% of companies up to 5 million BAM.

Number of employees and average salary

The number of employees in this sector increased in 2018 by 245 compared to the previous year. In 2019, the number of employees decreases by  52. The total increases of the number of employees from 2017 to 2019 amounted to 193.

The average monthly gross salary per employee in these companies amounted to BAM 1,574 or EUR 805. This means that employees in law firms are paid an average of BAM 9 per hour, or EUR 5 per hour.

Staff costsAmount in BAMAmount in EUR
Total salaries cost59,215,86830,276,593
Number of employees3,136
Number of working days in a year262
Number of hours in a day8
Yearly salary per employee18,8839,655
Monthly salary per employee1,574805
Daily salary per employee7538
Hourly fee per employee95

On the other hand, the monthly revenue per employee amounted to BAM 3,662 or EUR 1,872. The average hourly revenue per employee  is BAM 22 or EUR 11.

Type of revenueAmount in BAMAmount in EUR
Revenue per employee in a year43,94222,467
Monthly revenue per employee3,6621,872
Daily revenue per employee17489
Hourly revenue per employee2211

Sales and export revenue

Total sales revenue experienced growth over the past three years. The sales revenue increased in 2018 by BAM 17,008,391 or 15 %. In 2019, sales revenue amounted to BAM 137,803,171, which represents an increase of BAM 8,161,737 or 6.3% compared to the previous year. On the other hand, export revenue increased from 2017 to 2019 by 37%.

Top 20 companies by revenue

Top 10 companies share in industry by revenue

Total profit

Accounting firms in BiH achieved constant profit increase during the recent three years. In 2018. profits increased by BAM 4,231,442 or 20%, while in 2019. it increased by BAM 4,117,905 or 16%. In the period 2017-2019. the total profit increase amounted to  39%.

Top 20 companies by total profit in industry

The top 20 companies share in industry by profit