Privredna komora Kantona Sarajevo poziva sve privredne subjekte sa područja Kantona Sarajevo da joj u što kraćem roku dostave informacije sa kojim problemima u poslovanju se suočavaju u jeku pandemije korona virusa „COVID -19“, i koje su to mjere koje bi im bile od koristi u novonastalim okolnostima. Također, molimo privrednike da nam dostave i...
Author: restartba (Restart Restart)
Šta koronavirus znači za poslodavce?
Koronavirus (COVID-19) je promijenio svijet u kratkom periodu i države nisu spremne da se nose sa izazovima koje nosi sa sobom, kako sa zdravstvenim tako i ekonomskim posljedicama. Bosna i Hercegovina nije izuzetak. Jedan od prvih načina kako će COVID-19 utjecati na lokalnu ekonomiju jeste ugrožavanjem poslovanja malih i srednjih preduzeća, a samim tim i...
Izet Bučo left Bosnia and Herzegovina barely alive and two days ago he won an Oscar
Izet Bučo left Bosnia and Herzegovina at the beginning of 1994, being evacuated from Goražde due to his medical condition by UN. He had the luck of being rescued and moved to Italy and then United Kingdom where he got adequate medical care for the injuries he suffered from the shell damage. He was barely...
Apply for LEADER!
LEADER is an MBA-styled, ten-day program in Sarajevo. It gathers entrepreneurs, managers, company owners and young professionals. At the end of the business skills training, they will develop a business plan and present their business pitch to potential investors. ***All instructors for the LEADER Project are trained by Ivey’s unique case method of teaching and...
Analysis of the energy sector in BiH
USAID Diaspora Invest project supports companies that produce various types of energy as a part of its grants program. The energy sector is one of the most developed sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina with its long tradition and huge potential for new investments. This sector underwent major improvement during the time of Yugoslavia and as...
Randazzo: Turn to the diaspora for help and mentoring to build a new tech community
Phil Randazzo, former Deputy Director of Innovation Sector at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), recently visited Sarajevo to evaluate the innovation potential in BiH. As a member of the Transformers Roadshow jury – the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) competition held in Sarajevo in 2019, with the support of Bosnia Bank International (BBI) d.d....
Restart Networking Events
First cybersecurity company in Mostar, NLBH opens its doors.
NLBH is a subsidiary of Neuralegion Ltd. which is based in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Neuralegion also has offices in London and San Francisco. This fast-growing company is always looking for new passionate and talented people. Starting from only five employees, the company has grown and constantly expanding by approximately one new employee per month. The Mostar team includes...
The usage of electronic certificates in BiH
The first certified electronic certificate issued in BiH was awarded to the deputy minister of transport and communication of BiH Mr. Saša Dalipagic. At the press conference, deputy minister Mr. Saša Dalipagic and executive director of Halcom, Mr. Marko Valjevac addressed the public. As deputy minister, Mr. Dalipagic pointed out that we met the conditions...